Coffer group

Fully Managed, Subscription-Based Platform with Visibility Into Business Data

Knowledge & Insights

Having visibility and access to actionable data through a data platform is essential for strategic decision-making, allowing for the management and optimization of technology and business.

employee siting in front of a computer

Visibility Struggles for Businesses

Businesses and IT teams need to correlate, search, and organize their data to achieve increased efficiency and greater visibility and insight. Businesses lack access to relevant data from different systems and struggle to draw conclusions and streamline processes. Attempts to implement a robust data platform often fail because of common challenges such as:

Limited visibility - Without a centralized platform, gaining insights into data from multiple sources is more difficult.

Inefficient log management - Manually managing logs from various sources is time-consuming and prone to errors.

Limited collaboration - Data sharing and collaboration among teams or individuals, which native tools might not offer, reduces access to information and collaboration.

No central view of data - Hinders access, analysis, and troubleshooting.

Technology Solutions Giving Visibility To Businesses

Our knowledge and insights service is a fully managed, subscription-based solution that gets you visibility into your data and technology. Through this platform, businesses will have visibility into data from their IT services and business, all in one place. This gives the ability to review applicable data and make impactful business decisions. This service benefits businesses with single pane of glass insights for IT such as:

Visibility in usage around a specific line-of-business applications

Access to data normally unavailable due to knowledge, access, or licensing restrictions

Overview of user's activities, their systems, location, and issues

Correlations of information across multiple platforms and sources

Network availably, speed, and uptime across all locations

The Process of Partnering with a Technology Partner

Partnering with us to solve your technology struggles is simple.

  1. 1

    Schedule a Discovery Call where we learn about you and your IT environment while discussing your challenges.

  2. 2

    You’ll receive recommendations as we determine if it makes sense to create a fully managed, subscription-based solution to showcase your data.

  3. 3

    We’ll deliver a proposal to you that outlines how we’ll work together.

  4. 4

    You decide if this solution makes sense and then we’ll handle the rest.

Need more information?

Contact us today

“I really enjoy my work and it makes me more productive, happier and more successful. The coworking place builds confidence and inspires greater performance and greater success for both employees and employers.”

Jenny Wilson

Project Manager at Microsoft

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